Elev8 Your Life

#158-What’s Stopping You From Building Your Business?

Sheryl Morley & Paul Kroto Episode 158

We meet people every day who really want to build their own business.

Many of them do get excited at the beginning and get things started.

However, the business never really gets off the ground.

We hear people say all the time “I tried everything and it didn’t work out”

Come to find out they tried 2 things for a few days and quit

They get a couple no’s and they quit

The problem is never “I WENT ALL OUT” and it just didn’t work out

What is really stopping people from building the business that they really want and earning the income they really want?

We have discovered 6 reasons over the years

You might have 1 or more of these

  1. Lack of Certainty
    1. In yourself 
      1. “I’m not sure if I can do this”
    2. Certainty is a STATE 
      1. I am absolutely certain I can build this business!
  2. Fear
    1. Of what others think about you.
    2. Because of our need for love & connection we fear anything that might make others not like us
    3. The need to fit in 
      1. David Goggins
    4. Fear of the unknown 
      1. The human need for security keeps us in our comfort zone
    5. Fear of failing again 
      1. You can’t fail at this business!
    6. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real 
      1. Faith vs Fear
      2. 95% of the bad things you think might happen never happen
  3. Your Story
    1. I’m not good enough to do that
    2. I’m too old
    3. I’m too young
    4. I don’t have enough time
    5. This isn’t the right time
  4. Lack of Strategy
  5. A confused mind will do nothing
  6. You don’t rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems. - James Clear
  7. Lack of Support
    1. You need a coach & a community
    2. Battle Buddy
    3. People to celebrate your wins with you
    4. People to help you through the challenges
  8. Consistency & Focus
    1. Flow
    2. Small daily wins
    3. Develop a streak
    4. Deep Work 
      1. Eliminate distractions 
        1. Tell your family when you are building your business
        2. Get into a private room
        3. STAY FOCUSED on your business
        4. Set a timer

It's been a pleasure spending time with you today. Stay committed and stay consistent. Remember, you have the power to Elev8 Your Life and the lives of those around you . Can't wait to see you next time! Keep elevating!!

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